Tag Archives: #scandal

HUMP DAY: Sex Scandals and Such

8 Jun

Listen, this Anthony Weiner business is ridiculous.

I make no bones about being an Anthony Weiner fan. I applauded him when he stood up for reproductive access. I cried with laughter at his Click and Clack impressions during his house speech defending NPR. Anthony Weiner was the kind of politician that I could get behind. He was real, he was witty, and he wasn’t afraid to call on people’s bullshit. Why am I saying “was” – he still is all of those things. Except that now he has been widely shamed for his poor decision making skills and has proved, very publicly, how real he actually is.

Let me start with saying that even though I was reallly hoping it wasn’t actually him doing the tweeting, I don’t have much of a problem with Anthony Weiner’s actions. Aside from the fact that he is married*, Weiner’s internet actions crossed no boundaries of the law, and the explicit conversations he was having were completely consensual – you can read some of the contents here:

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