Tag Archives: #newsweek

Better Than Me: Women’s Groups Support Michele Bachmann Over Newsweek Cover

10 Aug

I think women deserve a ton more credit than they are currently getting. I know that in a similar situation I’d never react the same way many of them have over the recent Newsweek cover which depicted Michele Bachmann in a rather sexist way.

First, was the cover actually sexist? I think the Newsweek staff wanted to picture Michele Bachmann in the least flattering way possible. I think they wanted to make her look stupid. The picture, coupled with the “Queen of Rage” caption, successfully made Bachmann look like a crazy. Would a man be treated the same way? By Newsweek maybe, but that’s because they suck. Does that mean it’s not sexist? No, it’s still sexist because it seeks to demote the only women in the race for president based on appearance only. The media did it to Hillary Clinton too and she’s not the only one. But seriously, defending Bachmann?

Bachmann is anti-choice. She thinks that all women should be subservient to men, and asks for her husband’s permission to do basically everything (AND expects all women to act the exact same way).  So what’s to defend? Here’s where I give women’s orgs some serious credit. Continue reading